Where to find parts?

Looking for a bonnet release sensor for a mk7 2012 as mine is broken and keeps saying the bonnet is open, but can’t find one anywhere I look on the internet. How do I go about finding this specific part? All I can find are just bonnet latches without the sensor

Can you access the sensor? If you connect the wires from the sensor together, the light will go away, which is at least less annoying.

The best kits I found on eBay include the sensor, latch, and lock section.

This. Ford wanted £130 for a new one, small strip of wire bridging the contacts sorted it for nothing.

Yeah I figured if I’m stupid enough to drive with it open, I deserve the broken window. Sensors are great until they aren’t :smiley:

I usually just go to my local Ford dealer and ask them to order whatever I need.

Come to my garage budddy

Talk to your mechanic